Good Causes

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Safe Water

As flood water recedes from most parts of Bangladesh and tough challenges such as scarcity.

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Surprise Box

As flood water recedes from most parts of Bangladesh and tough challenges such as scarcity.

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Aid For Children

As flood water recedes from most parts of Bangladesh and tough challenges such as scarcity.

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Happy Hour

As flood water recedes from most parts of Bangladesh and tough challenges such as scarcity.

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Food Camp

As flood water recedes from most parts of Bangladesh and tough challenges such as scarcity.

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Smile Session

As flood water recedes from most parts of Bangladesh and tough challenges such as scarcity.

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Active Campaing

Some Good Causes

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  • fresh food
  • hospital
  • medicine
  • water
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Teen Challenge Slovenija

Mednarodna organizacija za pomoč ljudem
Naš program je zaključilo na tisoče ljudi z resnimi težavami z odvisnostjo in večina izmed njih sedaj živi uspešno življenje brez odvisnosti od drog.
Teen Challenge Slovenija je nevladna organizacija za pomoč ljudem, ki imajo resne življenjske težave zlasti v povezavi z zlorabo drog in alkohola. Prav tako se posvečamo preventivi in skrbi za tiste, ki so izpostavljeni tveganjem, da zapadejo v odvisnost.

Odvisnikom nudimo podporo v varnem, prijetnem in toplem okolju, kjer imajo možnost osebnostne preobrazbe, so deležni svetovanja in usposabljanja na področju življenjskih veščin.

Zaskrbljeni prijatelji in družinski člani so spodbujeni, saj njihovi ljubljeni dobijo priložnost za ozdravitev.

Posameznikom pomagamo najti svobodo od uporabe drog, da lahko znova uživajo v obnovljenih odnosih z ljubljenimi in stremijo k zdravemu in produktivnemu načinu življenja.

Imajo možnost spoznati Jezusa in vzpostaviti oseben odnos z Njim. V odnosu z Bogom doživijo življenjsko preobrazbo, dobijo novo upanje, moč in odkrijejo namen življenja.


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    Our experience has led us to the conclusion that it is possible for a man to become free from an addiction only when he has a firm personal wish and he creates a personal relationship with God. What we can do is facilitate, encourage, motivate and help the men to make changes in their lives, but it is the man himself who has to want those changes, make an effort, and do the job.


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